
Open-source Projects and Prototype Apps

Data Analysis Projects

  • SaVed: A data analyzing app for Excel, using Python, Pandas, and Streamlit. GitHub
  • DaZ: A data manipulation app using Python, Pandas, and Plotly-Dash. GitHub

Machine Learning Projects

  • Simple Text Summarizer: An NLP app summarizing English text with the Hugging Face T5 model. GitHub
  • Emotion Detection: A Deep Learning app using CNN to detect emotions from images. GitHub
  • Parking Space Tracker: A project to track and count parking spaces from video feeds, built with Python and OpenCV. GitHub
  • Image Denoiser: A project to simply denoise images using an Autoencoder based on CNN. GitHub
  • Diffusion Model Image Denoiser: A project based on a generative adversarial network. GitHub
  • Lip Reading: A machine learning app that can read lips from video feeds. GitHub